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Visual &  Performance Arts



The Museum of Deaf History, Arts & Culture® is excited and proud of it's newest exhibit - the Chuck Baird Art Gallery!  The Gallery showcases De'VIA art by Deaf Artists all over the world, as well as the National Youth De'VIA competition winners!  Come visit! 


Deaf View/Image Art, also known as De’VIA, is art that examines and expresses the Deaf Experience from a cultural, linguistic, and intersectional point of view.


Read more about it here!



This piece was completed in July 2013 by a group of De’VIA artists in Olathe, KS during the Downtown Olathe Art Festival.

 Visual Arts

Chrononaut |digital animation by Tony Fowler

Published with permission from Tony Fowler

Force Ten Studio

The visual arts are art forms such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking, literature, animation, digital art and architecture.


MDHAC will highlight the many visual art forms of well-known Deaf artists around the U.S.A. and other countries.  MDHAC strives to bring such notable Deaf persons to give presentations or classes at MDHAC or MDHAC sponsored events.  

Performance Arts

Performance Art is an art form in which artists combine visual art with dramatic movements of their bodies, often in relation to other objects, to convey artistic expression in front of an audience.

Annual Deaf Cultural Festival

MDHAC partners with the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in presenting the Annual Deaf Cultural Festival at NAMA!

Youth De'VIA Placard.jpg

MDHAC is always looking for Volunteers and Benefactors to help support the De'VIA program, Performances and the Chuck Baird Art Gallery.  If you are interested in becoming a part of the expanding and important Visual & Performance Arts program team, please let us know!

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Visit the newest annual exhibit in the Chuck Baird Art Gallery - the 2019 Youth De'VIA Artworks!
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